Upgraded Lamborghini Espada pedal assembly




            The Lamborghini pedal assembly does not have bushings per se for the pedals from the factory as the pedals ride on paper inserts. Over time these paper inserts deteriorate to the extent that many pedal assemblies upon disassembly showed no trace of the factory inserts. This leaves the pedals riding on the shaft with excess clearance. Besides the sloppiness, the pedals themselves were worn unevenly to the shaft diameter and did not push evenly on the brake and clutch cylinders.


            To correct this, I have installed sintered bronze bushings in place of the paper. These bushings will last a lifetime and will not need to be serviced during that time.


            This would be an excellent time if you need to change or rebuild your clutch and brake cylinder as most of the labor involved in the bushing installation is in the removal and replacement of the pedal box assembly.


            Installation of the bushings entails firstly to clean all parts and then boring of the pedals to accept the new bushings. Boring of the holes accomplishes two things first it allows the bushing holes to be concentric again and allows stability of the new bushings. Also the end play on the pedal shaft is also adjusted by machining the bushings for proper clearance on the pedal shaft.

Lamborghini pedal box
Pedal box and pedals have now been cleaned
Machining Lamborghini bushing
Machining the bushings
Lamborghini bearing
Reaming the bushing
Lamborghini bushings being pressed
Pressing the bushing
Lamborghini Espada. Pedal box rebuilt
Finished Pedal box
Lamborghini Espada S1. Pedal box
The 2 petals are for the clutch and brake

Front Scoop Spoiler for Lamborghini Espada series 1 and 2


            Lamborghini Espada's tend to have poor cooling especially in hot weather that we have here in California. I have been studying the air flow and have found problems with the air coming to the radiator and also exiting the radiator. This front scoop is just one of many small things that can be done to increase cooling.


The front spoiler creates high pressure at the four rectangular holes located in the lower valence panel. This helps in two ways the first is that it directs air through to the radiator and the second is that it does not allow air to bypass the radiator through the four slots. It is constructed of aluminum secured with lock nuts that are pressed into the valence panel. A lip is rolled on the bottom of the spoiler for strength.


            The major tools used to construct this spoiler consist of an English wheel, clamped wooden forming buck and a bead roller.


            Testing confirmed increase cooling at lower speeds with high pressure maintained. As additional cooling aids have been added to the test Espada (air dam), this spoiler has been decreased in size from the original design to 50% and still maintains high pressure through the slots. This also has the added benefit of minimizing outside changes to the body shape…keeping the aesthetics more intact.

Lamborghini Espada front spoiler
Buck for Espada front spoiler
Lamborghini Espada front spoiler being shaped
Shaping flange
Lamborghini Espada front spoiler shaped
Spoiler removed from buck
Lamborghini Espada front spoiler, forming and stretching
A little shrinking and stretching
Continuing with shrinking and stretching Lamborghini Espada front spoiler
Another view of the shrinker stretcher
Lamborghini Espada front spoiler with reinforcement
A backing reinforcement
Lamborghini Espada front spoiler
One more view of the shaped reinforcement
Parts for Lamborghini Espada spoiler
Parts are now ready
Lamborghini Espada at Italiano Consorso
Spoiler installed

Upper Radiator Deflector for Lamborghini Espada series 1 and 2



            On series 3 Espada's an upper deflector was added to force air through the radiator. On the early series this area was open allowing air to bypass the radiator into the engine compartment. The factory deflector was essentially a flat piece of metal that was screwed in place.


            I have made a deflector that seals that area far more effectively than the factory part. This part is made of aluminum screwed in place for easy removal and has a seal at the back edge that fits against the radiator.


            This is one of the most effective cooling aids especially when you are stopped in traffic with the cooling fans on as it will not allow hot air from the engine compartment to be circulated through the cooling fans. At speeds air is forced to go through the radiator instead of bypassing over the top.


A universal bead roller is used to construct this necessary cooling aid.


           If you are going to do just one thing to help your cooling system, this would be the first one to add.

Lamborghini Espada upper air deflector
Upper air deflector blank
Lamborghini Espada front air deflector
Blank in bead roller
Lamborghini Espada front of the air deflector
Bead roller in action
Lamborghini run upper air deflector for an Espada
Looking for 90°
Lamborghini Espada upper air deflector
Installing strengthening beads
Lamborghini Espada front upper air deflector in bead roller
This shot shows the upper and lower wheel
Lamborghini Espada upper air deflector
Upper air deflector top
Lamborghini Espada upper air deflector
Checking on the bead length
Lamborghini Espada S1 upper air deflector